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Monday, 8 October 2012

My new coat

Linda and David are getting very forgetful. First of all, they forgot to invite anyone to my birthday party, so it was just the three of us celebrating. We did have a good time, but it would have been good if my friends Ferney, Barty and Bess had been there — and not just because they would have brought me presents (although that would have been very nice, of course).

I’m modeling the gift David and Linda bought me (at least they remembered to give  me something). Paris Fashion Week! London Fashion Week! They’re not a patch on the style here in Verfeil, as you can see. This tasteful coat is to keep me safe during the hunting season. Smart, isn’t it? This season’s colours too. My new coat is practical as well. Being a large brown poodle during the hunting season can be dangerous. Those tipsy hunters might just mistake me for a deer, a wild boar or even a truffle. My advice is to be better safe than sorry; if you're a large dog, wearing a bright coat is a very good idea. 

Then they forgot to take me on the Treasure Hunt, so it’s not surprising they came almost last. I would have been very good at hunting down the clues, instead I had to spend several hours amusing myself at home, so it’s no wonder I completely broke the lovely toy bone that I was given recently. Apparently Linda and David had problems sniffing out some socks that were left as treasure. I bet they regretted not taking me. I heard that even the new dog Freddie went along. I’m very pleased for him and I’m sure everyone made him very welcome, but they all missed me being there.

To be honest, I’m feeling a bit neglected at the moment. All my visitors have gone home and I haven’t heard from Robbie in Atlanta recently, or Pixie the Poodle in France and I miss their news. OK, Kandy the cat sent me a birthday card, but she is, well, a cat and doesn’t really count.


  1. Hi Rupert,
    Sorry I missed your birthday, it has been a somewhat traumatic week for me. It started with mum and dad going off to some big place called Yourhope. It’s across a big lake somewhere, and dad was complaining about the hair fare. I thought they should just swim, like me. Then he complained about a greve (whatever that is) in the hair port which caused them to miss connections. Don’t know why he is always on about hair, he hardly has any.
    Anyway, when they got back, they took me to get my shiny teeth and my ears cleaned. The vet put me into a nice long sleep, but unfortunately, when I woke up, I was completely deaf. Mum and dad were very upset (mum cried). Dad gave her travel directions, telling her where to go and where to get off. I’ve never heard some of those words before.
    They are still very upset, but I am getting used to it. On the bright side, I can ignore them even more (I really don’t do that much) and I get LOTS of sympathy and attention from the bitches in the park. Dad said he is going to try the same thing. Mum hit him.
    So sorry not to keep in touch: I will try to do better.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Robbie, but as long as you know when your dinner is ready you should be fine. Perhaps you should get a coat like mine and then you will get even more attention.

    I would like to see a photo of you so that I can see what you look like in the park.


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