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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Dratted Weather!

Its more like winter than the start of summer. It seems as if its been raining for weeks, and its cold. I really don't like it, but I enjoy my walks anyway.

This morning was fun. First I smelt a rabbit way across a field. I took off like a rocket and got pretty close to him before he know I was there. Sneaky devils that they are this one managed to slip through a hedge just before I caught up with him. I think that if I didn't get so excited that I start yapping when I get close I'd have better luck. Do you think that would help.

I'd no sooner  got my breath back when I scared up a deer and gave chase. I know I can't catch them, but I can't resist. Besides its great fun. I was pretty tired afterwards and quite content to go home. I had a good drink and ate the breakfast David gave me. Then, a good nap. Its a hard life being a dog.

I had great news today! My friend Doreen was able to get out of bed in hospital. I'm told that she was up & about for about half an hour. I'm really pleased. I'll be taking her for walks before she knows it. Keep up the good work and your good spirits, Doreen!

They, the forecasters that is, say that on Saturday the weather is going to change and proper summer will begin. I certainly hope so. I mean, its been so bad that my friend Fernie and I had to cancel an afternoon walk this week. Bummer !

Net week Fernie! We'll have good charge around!

Keep it up Doreen!

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