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Thursday, 28 June 2012

I have a frightening experience

I don’t see the point of cats. Dogs can hunt, protect their humans and fetch and carry for them. What do cats do apart from sleep? “Catch mice!” shouts Linda. True, but who has to dispose of the leftover bits of mouse? Not the cat. At least dogs bury their discarded bones.

Dogs are proper companions. We go for walks with our humans, attract admiring glances and so help them make friends. I suppose it’s easier for a cat to sleep on your bed. For some reason, David and Linda prefer me not to settle on top of them.

But I digress. The other day I was invited to Doreen and Gavin’s house for lunch. I took David and Linda with me — it’s good for them to get out and meet people. When we arrived, I did a tour of the garden to check it was safe for David and Linda to sit in. Suddenly, this black and white creature appeared in front of me. It hissed at me. It arched its back and spat at me. I admit, I was quite alarmed. What bad manners! “It’s only Kandy,” said Doreen. “She’s a very friendly cat.” Only! Friendly! I thought she was very rude to treat an important visitor in that way. But that’s cats for you.

I’m pleased to say I retained my dignity and didn’t retaliate. I quickly went to sit under a table. I’m sure I heard everyone laughing. I think it was at that wretched cat.

You can see a photo of my tormentor above - doesn't she look dangerous!

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