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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Rupert's Christmas

Happy Christmas from Rupert

I hope all my four- and two-legged friends had a good Christmas. I helped Linda and David and their friends enjoy the day. I certainly am a popular dog.

We had a beautiful Christmas cake made by my friend Glynis. I heard a lot of “mmms” when it was eaten, so it was definitely delicious. But the best thing about it was that it had a model of me on the top! Not for me snowmen, fir trees or Santas, the only thing worthy of my cake was a chocolate Rupert.

Then, my friend Doreen gave Linda her gift. It was The Rupert Calendar 2013 and had 12 photos of me on it — one for every month, so it will keep Linda happy for a whole year.

The photo shows the calendar and the chocolate Rupert.

The humans all looked a bit silly wearing paper hats, but I kept my dignity and refused to put one on.

I got an email from my new friend Benz on Christmas Day. He was a little lonely as his humans Jean and Rob were spending the day with me. Benz has had a few more problems with his tail, but it seems to be mending nicely now. He’s still a bit afraid to go outside — I think he worries he might be taken somewhere in a car again — but I’m sure he’ll venture out soon. Perhaps we could hunt truffles together. Apparently the truffle hunting season is here again. Hope I have better luck this time.

I also got a festive photo from my tormentor, Kandy the cat. I admit she looks quite sweet but, boy, can she be fierce.

Happy New Year from Rupert.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

A note from Benz

As you know, I am not a great fan of cats (Kandy cat, please note). I have, however, made an exception for Benz, the little kitten David and I accidentally transported in the car engine compartment from my house to my friends Jean and Rob’s house. They decided to keep him, so I asked Linda to buy him a present from me. She bought two toy mice — I barked my approval when she showed them to me.

Benz has written to me to say thank you and tell me a bit about his new life. That kitten has certainly landed on his paws.

You can see Benz above with my friend Jean and generally being cute. Here’s what he has to say. (Jean and Rob used to live in Scotland. I think that’s why Benz has a Scottish lilt to his purr.) Benz is only little, so I’ve taken the liberty of explaining some things that maybe won’t be clear to my readers. Here’s what Benz has to say:

“Hello Rupert, Benz here. Thank you very much for my mice. I’m sorry I hid when I saw you arrive, but you were with the man who brought me here (That’s David. Rupert). He was very kind, but I was worried about a return journey the same way as I arrived at this ideal wee nest.

“Before she flitted away and left me to go it alone when I was only six weeks old, my mother told me to think ahead. As there was a very a large brown animal around (I think he means me. Rupert) where she dumped me, I decided to find somewhere snug and warm. Soon afterwards, I heard a dreadful noise all around me (That was the car engine. Rupert) and although I was very concerned, I kept my cool. When the noise stopped and I’d stopped rolling around, I started to cry. Another human — I think that’s what mother called them — appeared and lifted me out of my wee noisy nest. (That was Rob. Rupert.)

“I was put in a box overnight with some white liquid to drink, but I didn’t sleep very well. The human came back to see me in the morning, picked me up, stroked my head and took me into a very warm place. Yet another human came and stroked me and then put me on the floor. Unfortunately, I had a little accident on the floor and she was not at all happy. Anyway, someone else brought along a neat container full of something to enable me to hide any little accidents, taught me how to use it and the humans were all happy again.

“I am treated like a wee King here. I get lots of food, have warm humans to sit on and somewhere cosy to sleep at night. I enjoy playing with the mice you gave me, Rupert. I have put one on the stairs and have the other beside me on a large sofa — I think that’s what they call it. All in all, life is pretty good thanks to you and the man who accidentally brought me here.

“I hope to see you soon, Rupert, and thank you for the stroke and kiss you sent me with Linda. I am sure in time I will be able to go through the large thing that opens onto the cold, but I’ve not been out of my heavenly pad yet — I’m still a little nervous. The one with spiky hair laughs at me (That’s Jean. Rupert). Mum would be so happy for me. If you see her, please tell her and give her my love. Tell her it’s probably time she stopped producing brothers and sisters for me. They won’t all be as lucky as me.

“Thank you again for my gifts. Between you and me, I’m slightly worried that the one with the spiky hair is off her rocker. But she means well and I’m here to look after her now.  Love to you and your human friends. Meow from Benz.”

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Winter has arrived!

It’s cold out there, brrrrrrrrrrrr!

I'm a dog who likes his comfort. Give me a cosy rug in front of the fire or my bed with its three duvets and I'm a happy puppy. It’s not that I don't like a good romp in the snow now and then, who doesn't? But I don't like lots of cold — especially when I've just been to Funky Toilettage and had a lot of my fur clipped off.

I went to there yesterday, so Linda got my coat out for me to wear on our morning walk. I must say, with all due modesty, that I look pretty smart in it. That's why I don't mind wearing it, plus the fact that it helps keep me warm. I had a few good chases this morning too, which warmed me up. Didn't catch anything though. But I have heard talk about truffle hunting after Christmas. I can’t wait to show those annoying little truffles just who’s boss.

I'm lucky I guess compared to my Uncle Kuno and Aunt Polly. I heard Linda and David talking about what those two had to go though just to take their walks during the winter in Chicago. They not only had to have their coats on, but also had to have boots on as well. These were like long stockings with sheepskin soles that they had to wear on each paw. It took five minutes just for them to get ready to go for a walk. No thank you!

I even heard them say that after an ice storm David had to chop holes in the ice so they could relieve themselves without falling down on the slick ice. I can hardly imagine it.

I'll sign off now as it’s time for my afternoon nap. David's built a nice fire for me to lie in front of. And it may be chilly, but the sun is streaming in through the windows.

What a lucky dog I am.