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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Rupert's Christmas

Happy Christmas from Rupert

I hope all my four- and two-legged friends had a good Christmas. I helped Linda and David and their friends enjoy the day. I certainly am a popular dog.

We had a beautiful Christmas cake made by my friend Glynis. I heard a lot of “mmms” when it was eaten, so it was definitely delicious. But the best thing about it was that it had a model of me on the top! Not for me snowmen, fir trees or Santas, the only thing worthy of my cake was a chocolate Rupert.

Then, my friend Doreen gave Linda her gift. It was The Rupert Calendar 2013 and had 12 photos of me on it — one for every month, so it will keep Linda happy for a whole year.

The photo shows the calendar and the chocolate Rupert.

The humans all looked a bit silly wearing paper hats, but I kept my dignity and refused to put one on.

I got an email from my new friend Benz on Christmas Day. He was a little lonely as his humans Jean and Rob were spending the day with me. Benz has had a few more problems with his tail, but it seems to be mending nicely now. He’s still a bit afraid to go outside — I think he worries he might be taken somewhere in a car again — but I’m sure he’ll venture out soon. Perhaps we could hunt truffles together. Apparently the truffle hunting season is here again. Hope I have better luck this time.

I also got a festive photo from my tormentor, Kandy the cat. I admit she looks quite sweet but, boy, can she be fierce.

Happy New Year from Rupert.


  1. Rupert, your New Years Resolution should be to try and like Kandy cat as she is really nice

  2. But she's a cat and a lot bigger than Benz, my friend Jean's kitten. I can just about cope with Benz - I hope he doesn't get much bigger, though.

  3. I think you'll find Rupert that Benz will get a lot bigger

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Thanks for your ynderstanding. Rupert.