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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

King Rupert

King Rupert the First. It has a good ring to it, doesn't it? I would be very happy if William and Kate were to name their son after me — I am a caniche royale a royal poodle, after all. 

I think Rupert is a much more regal name than James, George or even William. I have suggested that when Linda and David send off their congratulations card (I think David has gone to buy it at the moment), they include a photo of me. That will certainly convince them that Rupert is the only name to choose. 

I will happily attend the Christening when the time comes, I'm sure Linda will take my diamante collar out of the vault for the occasion.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

A hunting I will go

It’s very hot at the moment, but I am a great hunter and great hunters do not spend their time lazing under trees. No, we stalk our prey whatever the weather. I think it’s too warm for truffles to venture out, so I have decided to catch a rabbit or two for David and Linda’s supper.

Linda and I were out for a walk the other morning when I saw a rabbit. I started to chase it — and I have to say it was a very rapid rabbit. Suddenly it disappeared behind a hedge. I couldn’t get to it, so I frightened it so that it ran back towards Linda. I thought she would help me catch it, but she just stood there while I ran up panting. Then, in the confusion, the rabbit escaped.

I saw a deer in the distance and thought about chasing that, but I was a bit too hot and decided to have a drink of water instead.

When I heard that Linda and David were going to visit my friends Doreen and Gavin, I hoped they would take me so that I could chase Kandy the cat to show I’m not scared of her. But they left me at home with nothing to hunt but a Frisbee.

Monday, 8 July 2013

I'm known around the world. David took some time today to have a look at the statistics for the traffic through my blog. He shared them with me and I found them very interesting.

As one might expect France supplied the most viewers. I was a bit surprised, however, to find the USA was the 2nd highest total. I would have guessed the UK, but it actually came third.

Interestingly Russia came fourth followed by Latvia.  After that there seem to be a few viewers all around the world; Lebanon, Thailand, Morocco, Syria, Iran, the list goes on. Additionally the other English speaking countries come in as well; Canada, Australia, New Zealand...

Its fascinating that the world has shrunk to the point where a dog's blog can be read around the world. I'd like to think its because I'm so handsome & cleaver, but I suspect that it just curiosity.

I wonder what search terms throw up my blog?

Haven't heard from my doggy friends lately though. Hint Hint. Quit scratching and start writing!